Laser Treatments

Is Zerona right for you?
If you’ve tried diet and exercise but still have fat and inches you just can’t loose… It’s time for Zerona. Safe and effective, Zerona is the only clinically-proven, non-invasive body contouring treatment for overall body circumference that is measurable.
How Does Zerona Work?
Zerona utilizes cold laser treatment, also called low-level laser technology. This “cold” laser technique uses low levels of light that are not enough to heat your body’s tissue. This stimulation disrupts the membrane of the fat cells inducing the formation of a transitory pore allowing the fatty material of the cell to seep out and be flushed out by the body. The result is that the fat cells are shrunk instead of being killed!
With Zerona Z6:
- results in as little as 3 weeks
- Zero downtime, Zero side effects, Zero pain
- Lose an average of 3 inches in 6 sessions
- Remove excess fat without harming the fat cells
- Killed fat cells regenerate up to 300 billion within 4-5 years
Weight Loss, Nutrition and YOU!
Cold Laser Pain Releif
Cold laser therapy penetrates light energy into the body tissues, stimulating healing, reducing inflammation, and relieving pain.