Acupuncture is a practice that involves inserting very fine needles in very specific areas of the body. In Eastern medicine, it is thought to reduce pain by improving the flow of energy through the body. It has been adopted into Western practice as well in its ability to address musculoskeletal dysfunction. At Chiropractic Sports & Wellness PC in Cheyenne, WY, Dr. Kayla provides experienced acupuncture treatment, which can be used on its own or in combination with chiropractic care.

Techniques Designed to Reduce Pain & Stimulate Healing

How does acupuncture work?
There are several theories as to why acupuncture works to reduce pain, but one of the most supported theories is that inserting these very fine needles stimulates the nerves. This results in the brain producing endorphins that flow throughout the body, helping you to feel good. Therefore, you will have a higher pain tolerance and will experienced reduced pain.
Is acupuncture painful?
Generally, acupuncture is not painful for patients. You may notice a small sting when the needle first penetrates the skin, but the majority of patients experience very little, if any discomfort.
What can acupuncture be used to treat?
Acupuncture can be used to treat both chronic and acute pain, such as:
• Migraines
• Fibromyalgia
• Back Pain
• Neck Pain
• Joint Pain
• Workers Comp Injury
• Auto Accident Injury
• Sports Injury
• Personal Injury
• And More
Acupuncture alone or in combination with chiropractic treatment can provide you with pain relief.
What is trigger point needling?
Trigger point needling, like acupuncture, uses needles to reduce pain. A needle is placed into a painful knotted muscle, or trigger point. This helps the muscle to release tension by preventing it from contracting. This relaxation of the muscle allows for a decrease in pain and improved mobility.
For more information about our doctors, or to schedule an appointment with us, contact us at 307-635-7727. We look forward to helping relieve your pain and improving your mobility!